Real-time swim coach headset
No need to shout anymore,
The swimmers hear you anyway
Up until now, swimmers couldn’t hear the coach's instructions underwater.
Now, with Tayogo Coach, swimmers hear every coach's word.
The Way to Change your swimming Experience:
Tayogo wireless transmitter connects your mobile phone by bluetooth. It can transmit your music or padcast of your mobile phone. The working range can be up to 150 meters, and 1 meter under water.
The Tayogo IPX68 Waterproof Headphones can get the transmitting sound on and out of water.
The best Communicator for the Swimming Coach
The swimming coach can send out instructions to the swimmers. No need to yell any more. Transmitting instruction or training lesson or music easily.
More choices for the receiver
Tayogo has the in-ear waterproof Headphones of W16R, and Bone Conduction Waterproof Headphones W23 & W25. You can choose your favorite receiver under water.

Guide your Team
Connect to an unlimited number of Tayogo Receivers with a single transmitter. Manage swim teams in real time, on 16 different channels. Switch channels on the transmitter, and talk to all swimmers at the same time, or specifically with one of them, or divide them into groups.Up to 15 coaches can use Tayogo Сoach system simultaneously at the same pool.

Bluetooth Connection
Easily Connect to your mobile phone by bluetooth. Play your stored instruction guide or lessons, or stream music.