Tayogo Upgrade Firmware
When to Upgrade Firmware:
You should consider upgrading the firmware in the following scenarios:
1. Bug Fixes: It can't play well,If the current firmware has known issues or bugs that are resolved in the update.
2. Improved Performance: The Mp3 or headset cant power on,To enhance the performance, stability, or security of the device.
Please download the firmware as per the model, read the instruction, set up the tool, then burn the firmware.
1. For the model with 8GB : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
2. For the Model with 32GB: click to DOWNLOAD
W16 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at : cs@tayogo.com
W8 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
W01 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
W02 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
W12 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
W11 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
W10 MODEL : The file is too large to download. Please contact the Tayogo customer service team for assistance at:cs@tayogo.com
Tayogo アップグレードファームウェア
Tayogo Mp3 プレーヤーまたはスマート ヘッドセットの場合、正しく使用できない場合はファームウェアをアップグレードする必要があります。
1. MP3 またはヘッドセットの電源が入らない
2. うまくプレイできない
ファームウェアをアップグレードするには、USB メインプレイが PC で認識できることを確認してください。
Bluetooth、FM、アプリを備えた MP3、モデル番号: W12
Tayogo AMP MP3 & FM、モデル番号: W10
Tayogo AMP 型番:W11
Tayogo Force MP3 &FM、モデル番号: WB01
タヨゴフォース 型番:WB02
Tayogo セカンドアップグレード防水 MP3、モデル番号: W16
ダウンロード:ファイルが大きすぎるため、直接ダウンロードできません。入手するには、 cs@tayogo.comまでご連絡ください。
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